Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thing 7- calling all blogs

I like the blogger dashboard and google reader.  Although I only have a few blogs that I am following right now, I like that they are neatly kept in one place for me to peruse at my leisure.  On the other hand, since I only have a few blogs I am following, google reader seems redundant to the blogger dashboard.  Perhaps as I gather more blogs and websites, I will see the difference in the two.  

That brings me to another problem.  How do people find blogs to follow?  I can easily follow my colleagues who are participating in 23 Things but I don't know how to find blogs outside of this.  I have some blogs I can follow from the Ning I joined, but I wonder how all the people who don't know about Ning find blogs to follow?  I would like to expand my blog collection but I am not sure where to look!

1 comment:

  1. Have you considered following some of the Sample Blogs in Thing 3?
