Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thing 11- Delicious

I used to have Delicious on my tablet but I never used it.  I apparently did not realize its full potential.  I thoroughly enjoyed exploring other people's tags at Delicious.   I even found a site that I added to my rss!  I like the idea of being able to explore other people's favorite sites but it is easy to get a little lost amongst all the different tags and lose track of what my original purpose for looking was. 

I think tags are good for organizing sites and I love that Delicious enables me to access all of my sites from any computer- but doesn't my personalized start up page do that too?  I can see myself using Delicious to keep my education sites sorted and accessible but I wonder- how many different tools are we supposed to use?  I realize the point of this 23 things project is to broaden our technological experience, but I am starting to see a definite overlap in some of the tools.  How do I decide which is best for me?


  1. This is a great question! Maybe as we approach Thing 23, you will answer this question for yourself.

  2. I hear where you are coming from, but so far, in my mind, only my Google Reader and Netvibes pages are similar. I suppose I could have all information on one, but I am actually using them differently. My Delicious page is strictly for those websites that I once bookmarked - these are not blogs or news feeds. At least this is how I am looking at these tools.
