Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thing 2- What interests me about web 2.0.

What interests me about Web 2.0?  Just about everything.  I know that it is free, and as a teacher, who doesn't love anything that is free?  Otherwise, I feel like I don't know much about it and am therefore interested in what I don't know.  I don't know if this is an accurate statement or not, it is just how I feel- meaning maybe I know more about Web 2.0 than I realize.  It seems like the web is so vast (and therefore Web 2.0 as well), that how can we ever know everything about it?  But to be specific, as I look at the list of the 23 things we will be working with, I am definitely interested in blogs, wikis, podcasts and youtube.  I think all of these items can be incorporated into my teaching in some way.  I have some limited experience with some of these items, such as podcasting and now blogging, but I definitely need to learn more.


  1. It's the concept of infinity.. isn't it beautiful?

  2. Okay...Mathleete expresses the concept of Web 2.0 simply and perhaps makes it sound a little scary. Venturing into to the vast unknown can be exciting.
